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2008 MBA Classmates - - LO Fung Yee Ada

“Continuous learning is worth to do for a better life. You can do it.” Ada says.

“I was fond working of long work hours more than seventeen years in my company in the past. I enjoyed my success injob function, until I found that lack of education was a liability in my job. As I have to manage multi-tasks in my department, I would like to learn how to coordinate with other departments and achieve a higher goal in my job. This is my main reason to pursue both BBA and MBA in UMT since year 2006.

I have improved my communication skills with both internal and external customers after the program. Last but not the least, UMT taught us more foundation knowledge for advanced management level.

Ada Lo
Administration Manager

2008 BBA Classmates - - KWAN, Wan Shan Judy

“UMT provided an environment competitive enough to bring out the best in me.” Judy says.


她選擇UMT是因為它是一所有信譽及知名的學府,而且學程設計很適合她,使她能在無壓力下完成課程! 」

Judy Kwan
Hong Kong Monetary Authority

2008 BSCS Classmates IP, Yan Kit Dicky

“I can learn more theories and updated technology in computer science through the BSCS program in UMT.” Dicky says.


經匯豐銀行之同事推薦,他選讀了UMT的電腦科學 (BSCS) 學位課程。課程中,不單學習了理論及與時並進的科技知識,同時在工作上亦能給予他進升職級的幫助。他希望能應付未來更多的挑戰! 」

Dicky Ip
Assistant Technical Services Manager, HSBC

2008 MBA Classmates - John Luen

“I continued my MBA program at UMT.” John says.

I「我曾於澳洲領事館工作14年,其間領導一組行政部門的同事安排日常工作,後更晉升為領事及護照部門經理,累積了豐富的行政、管理及領袖經驗,離職後加入MJB InterCommunication 企業培訓公司成為行政部門的經理,更明白進修的重要性,一方面可增強自己的實力,另一方面卻為自己的未來鋪路。

選讀UMT 的BBA課程主因是課程設計富彈性,讓他能就著自己的時間和能力輕鬆地完成課程。因此他更決定繼續修讀UMT的MBA 課程,並以短短一年的時間取得碩士學位!此課程更讓他認識了很多的新同學,擴?其人際網絡。 」

John Luen
Administration Manager, MJB InterCommunication

2008 BBA Classmates - - SIN, Wai Lam William

“UMT enrich my management tools and techniques to make the appropriate decision.” William says.


為了自己的未來事業發展,他選讀了UMT的BBA課程以學習工商管理的理論與實例,融入自己的工作經驗,更能有效地管理公司。 他更相信在課程中學到的管理範例能應付不斷變化的工作環境中,對他將來的事業也有莫大益處! 」

William Sin
Director, Talent Education