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Dr Billy CHU, 2013 UMT DBA Graduate Representative

"The only way to do great work is to love what you do."

First of all, let me begin by telling you my story. 25 years ago, when I was still studying my Bachelor of Arts degree, I set-up my own company and started running my event business. Like what Steve Jobs said in his commencement speech, "The only way to do great work is to love what you do." At that time, I quickly felt in love with my work, and then I dropped out of the university after Year 1. Yes, that was what Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg did at Harvard, but I always tell my children never follow in my footsteps. It is because without university education, your future is not guaranteed and your life isn't perfect.

7 years ago, even though I have already achieved so much in my life, I picked up my school bag again. I started studying my post graduate diploma with a local university, then my Master degree with an UK university, and finally I've finished my Doctor of Business Administration degree with an US university, that is University of Management and Technology ! To maintain a work-life balance is my wish, and this is what quality distance education provider like UMT can provide. I can say, the doctoral journey wasn’t easy, but it was worth !

I would like to finish by thanking Dr Chen and Dr Frame, because without them, there would no UMT that provides flexible learning opportunities to students in HK. Finally, I would like to thank my wife Donna and my son Ernie and Oscar. Without their love and support, I would never have gotten this far. Thank you everyone and wish you all the best for your future !

Dr. Billy Chu, Founder and Executive Director of On Stage Events and Communications
2011 ISES Esprit Awards® global winner
Post Grad. Diploma, HKU
MA, Middlesex University London

2013 UMT MBA Graduate Representative

Mr Roland Liu Tak Lun, UMT MBA Graduate Representative

“My father was one of the UMT 2010 Valedictorians. He was a good role model who gave me full of motivation and energy to keep learning.”

My father kept proving and proving himself capable and passionate to further his studies. He is just own a LCC higher certificate before I went to Japan. Just 4 years, his qualification becomes higher and higher, from LCC, graduate BBA, and then MBA, and now he is a Certified Public Accountant, which touched me deeply. And the most impressive point is he is one of the Valedictorians in UMT 2010 graduation ceremony. He is a good role model who gave me full of motivation and energy to keep learning.

Also, I started to realize that academic certificates are really important in this society. Thus, I tried hard to finish the rest of my studies at university and followed my father to become one of the students of UMT. Of course, now I am confident enough to share all my experience with all of you and I am so proud to tell others that I am a graduate of a MBA program. The flexible time of distance learning program is much convenience for me.It enables me to well plan the timing with my demanding jobs, family. I am grateful to take this MBA program in UMT which widens my horizon and increases my competitiveness in society.

After taking this MBA course, I kept increasing my self-competitiveness by taking other courses elsewhere. For example, I just gained a professional qualification of certified management accountant last month.

Studying is long lasting and forever. Different stages are required different support and knowledge. The UMTs case sharing allowed me to tackle lots of real business issues. All of these are very useful in my career. Time flies, with this academic certificate, my business spreads a lot too. I am not only doing Japanese trading, but I am also helping customers to arrange different kinds of events and courses such as Mandarin and Japanese courses. It builds me up with great confidence to face big challenges in future.

Roland Liu
2013 MBA graduate

Ms Katherine Hung, UMT MBA Graduate Representative

“Never let the end of your schooling become the end of your education.”

I graduated my bachelor degree in business from Australia a couple of years ago, and I am currently working in one of the world’s largest bank in the field of global marketing. In today's competitive work environment in the world, especially in Hong Kong, a person must obtain as much education as possible to succeed. I admitted that MBA degree can be valuable in my work environments, with most degree holder colleagues working in the same firm with me. Thus, I decided to gain a recognized MBA degree at university can help me to advance myself at my current company, finally I chose UMT MBA program.

Finding an education is a lifelong dream, and even though some of us feel like we're lifelong students, the truth is that an education is simply something you really can't avoid. Therefore, after this MBA, I will sit for the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) exam in the coming year to keep upgrading myself.

Katherine Hung
2013 MBA graduate

Mr Frankie Wong, UMT MBA Graduate Representative

“I definitely needed a master degree in management and administration to equip myself.”

As be a mid management level, we have facing many challenging every day, even internal and external. We need to take a prompt decision in a short time. I definitely needed a master degree in management and administration to equip myself. I am glad that I succeed in getting MBA. This programme undoubtedly, has enabled me to upgrade myself. I have leant many knowledge and skills in both management field, both in practice and theories which can be implement in my work. I also met some classmates whom come from different field and industries. It widen my horizon and helped me to develop my potential and talent.

UMT program could provide me a good platform that I can easily manage my schedule through the online study platform and flexible schedule, because I also stay in the factory in China mainland and need to have business trip.

Frankie Wong
2013 MBA graduate
Deputy General Manager
Top Merit Industrial Development (HK) Company Limited