is the list of seminars to be offered for the DBA program in
Hong Kong and USA. You can click on each seminar title to see
the details.
DBA Seminar Hong Kong (2009 Dec)
Seminar Hong Kong (2010 March)
DBA Seminar USA (2010 October)
DBA Seminar Hong Kong (2011 January, May, August)
Dr Davidson Frame's DBA Seminar Hong Kong (2011 September)
DBA Seminar Hong Kong (2012 January, March, May, September)
Marketing in China
DBA seminar offers a chance of introducing the students
the key service marketing concepts and facilitating them
to have overviews with a framework
of theoretical knowledge. The theme of this seminar
is entering and operating in the Chinese market. The
seminar will focus on business environment analysis
and investment strategies formulation and implementation.
in Mobile industry This
DBA seminar offers a chance of introducing the students
how to startup a new business in global mobile
industry. We will have an overviews of some best
startups in Silicon Valley.
The theme of this seminar is entering and operating in
the innovative mobile industry. The seminar
will focus on business environment analysis and investment
and implementation.
UMT Hosts Productive Colloquium for Doctor of Business Administration Candidates
doctoral aspirants and program faculty met at the University
of Management and Technology’s main campus
to discuss aspects of doctoral research, including the
importance of the literature review, the role of theory
in scholarly research, operationalizing constructs, identifying
variables and their relationship to each other, and organizing
the research effort to address hypotheses.
Among the faculty on hand
were Drs. Rudy Watson, Robert Voetsch, Bob McGrath,
and UMT Academic Dean, J. Davidson Frame, who commented,
“Despite operating in a virtual academic environment,
where students and faculty are geographically scattered,
UMT is still able to create a community of scholars.
In addition to increasing interaction between faculty
and students, these colloquia provide an opportunity
for participants to express their ideas and concerns
about conducting research, strengthen their methodological
capabilities, and share project ideas.”
UMT President, Dr. Yanping
Chen, along with fellow Project Management Institute
Board of Directors member and former Chair, Phillip
Diab, also took time out from PMI’s annual North American
Congress to participate.
More DBA Seminars
will be published very soon.

Feedbacks from UMT DBA Seminars:
Mr. Simon Yip, DBA Aspirant
Manager, HSBC (Physical Security Services Asia Pacific)
I have found that the DBA seminar organized by UMT was well-organized
in term of time control and also the professionalism of all invited
speakers, which could bring the most updated China market information
and business opportunities in the seminar."
Mr. Charles Tang, DBA Aspirant
Chief Engineer, DP World Terminal
Course Advisors have been performed an excellent jobs for the
seminar and all my fellow classmates were impressive and proactive
throughout the whole seminar."
Mr. C K Hung, DBA Aspirant
Associate Director, Sunbase International Properties Ltd.
Comprehensive networking provided in last and coming DBA seminars,
could surely giving myself an insightful management skills/
knowledge, also let me have updated information for the outside
global market."
Mr. Clifford Kwong, DBA Aspirant
Managing Director, CK Management Consultancy
I have been given a great opportunity to share my management
experience and knowledge in the last DBA seminar. Discussion
and sharing with classmates who already have experienced higher
education lecturing background also help me a lot in my coming
lecturing opportunities."
Mr. Henry Chiang, DBA Aspirant
Lecturer (Hong Kong College of Technology)
" I found
the UMT DBA seminar was well organized. The speaker was professional."
Billy Chu, DBA Aspirant
On Stage Production and Consultant - Executive Director
" The
DBA speakers have performed an excellent presentation. He gave
me some inspiring information for the DBA Dissertation."
Charity Lau, DBA Aspirant
Human Resources Director - Van Shung Chong Holdings
is a great opportunity to meet all my fellow classmates in the
seminar. We have exchanged lots of ideas throughout the whole