UMT DBA Seminar

Marketing in China

Date: 2009 Dec 19 (Sat)
Time: 2pm - 5pm
Venue: Room 1004, Hong Kong Productivity Council, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong
2:00pm - 2:30pm Registration and Orientation
2:30pm - 3::00pm 主題:如何利用中國內需創造商機 (馮蔚翔小姐)
3:10pm - 3:40pm 分享國際管理心得 (鄺超賢先生)
3:50pm - 4:20pm 分享進修成果心得 (黃志明先生)
4:30pm - 5:00pm Q&A 分享

特別嘉賓- 馮蔚翔小姐

技術和研究人員 200 餘名,並建立了覆蓋全國的市場調查網路。


是次講座主題為「如何利用中國內需創造商機」, 我們很高興邀請到新生代市場研究公司總經理(馮蔚翔小姐)來香港與UMT DBA學生分享中國市場最新資訊, 另外我們DBA學生代表鄺超賢先生和黃志明先生亦在講座中分享市場資訊和分享進修DBA心得。


Feedbacks from UMT DBA Seminars:

Mr. Simon Yip, DBA Aspirant
Manager, HSBC (Physical Security Services Asia Pacific)
" I have found that the DBA seminar organized by UMT was well-organized in term of time control and also the professionalism of all invited speakers, which could bring the most updated China market information and business opportunities in the seminar."

Mr. Charles Tang, DBA Aspirant
Chief Engineer, DP World Terminal
" Course Advisors have been performed an excellent jobs for the seminar and all my fellow classmates were impressive and proactive throughout the whole seminar."

Mr. C K Hung, DBA Aspirant
Associate Director, Sunbase International Properties Ltd.
" Comprehensive networking provided in last and coming DBA seminars, could surely giving myself an insightful management skills/ knowledge, also let me have updated information for the outside global market."

Mr. Clifford Kwong, DBA Aspirant
Managing Director, CK Management Consultancy
" I have been given a great opportunity to share my management experience and knowledge in the last DBA seminar. Discussion and sharing with classmates who already have experienced higher education lecturing background also help me a lot in my coming lecturing opportunities."