Sharing by UMT MBA and DBA Graduate Dr Wong

Dear UMT DBA Aspirants,

If you are now considering to obtain a DBA degree from either US or other University, I would like to share my experience for your consideration in advance of your programme application.

I planned to join the territory educational field for teaching after working for civil engineering field for nearly 11 years. But before doing that, I fully understood its better to set a milestone programme for myself in order to achieve my career changing plan, which shown as below :-

Step 1 - Necessity of Gaining DBA
To obtain a DBA degree faster than other (i.e. to occupy a teaching post earlier than others, even working as part-time post. On the other hand, I understood the 3-3-4 educational frame is coming.)

Step 2. - Programme Duration Consideration
In order to achieve Step 1, I understood that I must find a DBA programme with reasonable duration and completion time, therefore I checked and compared all DBA programmes in Hong Kong. Initially, I found UMT DBA.

Step 3. - Programme Fee Consideration
Similar to Step 2, I understood that I must find a DBA programme with reasonable fee, since myself had already spend for approx. $500,000 for the other 4 Master Degrees (MBA MSc MEng LLM). Therefore, programme fee is one of my key/ critical factor in choose of DBA programme. Same as programme duration comparison, this credit is also given to UMT DBA.

Step 4. - Programme Accreditation Status
Instead of trusting EMB approved programme list, I had submitted my UMT MBA degree to "The Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic" for assessment individually, the result shows that my UMT MBA degree is "Equal to Master Level of Local Universities" , this result gave me quite significant motivation on my application of UMT DBA programme.

Step 5. - Studying Sharing
I had completed 4 subjects in according to the UMT schedule, generally speaking, you have to complete the assignment within a very short period, therefore, you have to give up some family time. In return, I got pass for all my studied subjects. Not the same as traditional programme, you have to make your only study plan rather than pushing by your lecturer who stand in front of you as in the traditional local Universities. Anyway, you should have fun throughout your learning life.

Final - Target Oriented
DBA is just only a basis requirement for entering the teaching field, which number of years working experience, number of professional titles you have are the most important stuffs that compare with which university that you graduated for the DBA programme. Therefore, I choose the one, which could be completed in a reasonable time, cost, quality, ease of getting pass, which finally I choose the Doctorate Degree of Business Administration (DBA) at University of Management and Technology (HK EDB Registration no. 261996) for the years 2009-2011.

DBA Recognition
I was assured of receiving the DBA by J. Davidson Frame (UMT Academic Dean and Chair of DBA Committee) on November 11, 2011. Furthermore, I had submitted my UMT DBA degree to the profesional education organization for assessment individually, the result proved that my UMT DBA Doctor degree was qualified and passed the individual qualification assessment on December 29, 2011.

For your additional information, I currently hold few part time lecturer posts in Hong Kong University, HKU SPACE, Macau University and Hong Kong City University, in case you could like to share, you could reach me through UMT HK Rep Office.

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Program Manager
Telephone: (852) 2791-1155

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