(Hong Kong EDB Reg No. 261639)

UMT’s bachelor degree conversion program is designed specifically for certificates and associate degree holders, and is offered through a combination of tutorials conducted at Hong Kong Productivity Council on weekdays or weekends and internet platform. The program is designed to develop a much solid foundation of knowledge, understanding, skill and application in the field of communication and business administration for students. Students could increase their capacity for analytical reasoning, carry out critical thinking, solve problem and communicate effectively. In addition, successful completion of the program could satisfy the admission requirements for the MBA and other Master programs at Hong Kong local and overseas universities.

Year 3 BBA program structure:
Technical Writing
English Grammar
English Composition
Psychology I
Business Statistics I
Management Information System
Financial Management
Organizational Behavior
Project Management
Marketing Communications

Year 4 Final Year BBA program structure:

Mgt100 Introduction to Business
Mgt300 / Mgt 101 Principles of Management
Mkt100 Principles of Marketing
Mgt340 / Mgt 102 Legal Environment of Business
Econ210 / Econ 125 Economics of Managers
Acct210 / Acct 125 Accounting for Managers
Stat315 / Stat 125 Business Statistics
Fin300 / Fin 100 Principles of Finance
Mgt495 / Mgt 190 Entrepreneurship
Mgt497 / Mgt 195 Business Policy

Duration of Study:
Could be completed within 12 - 24 months

Entry Requirement:
The admission requirements are as follows:

Holder of Associate degree/diploma with the minimum GPA of 2.5 from a recognized university or professional association.
Demonstrated proficiency in English
Other equivalent qualifications to be assessed by UMT.

Interest Free Instalment Plan for Tuition:
Tuition can be settled by Citibank, HSBC and Bank of East Asia 12 months interest free instalment plan.

Contact us:
Program Manager
Telephone: (852) 2791-1155
Email: admin@umt.edu.hk

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