Congratulations to Dr. Dacon Cai, Oral Defense passed on July 14, 2016!

"Life is a one-way journey. If you would regret of not doing something, and doing that wouldn’t harm the others, just do it!"

I am a registered social worker in H.K. My academic background from undergraduate to Master is social work major, and I started to study DBA in UMT since 2011. My career path follows the social work profession, from frontline to management post, and my current job is the counselor of a local HEI.

Many people ask me why do I suddenly change my study scope that also seems didn’t relate to my career. Apart from continuous learning is a global trend, study a new area can broaden my horizon and giving me new insights. Moreover, breaking through the comfort zone and having the courage and action to face a new challenge can be a good modeling to my daughter and son.

The study mode of UMT in the form of distance learning fits with my expectation of flexibility and generates the motivation of self-study even I am having a full-time job. Self-discipline and good time management with an achievable goal are essential for accomplishing the program. The 5 years doctoral journey wasn’t easy, but it was fruitful!

Finally, I would like to thank my God, for letting me through all the difficulties and hard time and guide me to the destination!

In addition, without the love and support from my family member, especially the considerate from my wife, I would never have gotten this far!

Dr. Dacon Dai H.M.